Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Reviewing Notes

Today in Human Geography class we reviewed our notes and are homework. I've learned some new things about the Ancient Greeks about how they were all separated and they really wanted nothing to do with each other for example like Sparta and Athens they were completely different the only they shared was the language. I've also realized that Socrates was a better man then I thought, yes he said some stuff that wasn't needed but he makes me want to meet him and talk to him. And all the other Greek words or phrases I've already new because I go to Greek school every Tuesday at 8 after school. Lastly, after Mr. Schick talked about failing or passing the school year I've realized what I wrote down on my previous blog. I have to take that for granite. After human geography class my day was really simple I had Enhance and then a bunch of free mods and then soccer practice.

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