Monday, September 30, 2013

The review from Wednesday

Today in class we went over the questions that we did on Wednesday. The United States is based off a democracy because we do vote on the very larger elections like Presidents and Congress etc. But the United States is also a republican because we let the congress vote for us like if a president should be removed from ballet or his job because the congress does not agree with the president and that happens to a specific point. Also the United States brings in a lot of oil from like Canada and other countries that give s oil but we also make our own oil but we use a lot of oil every day because we need it for machines and cars and air planes and trains and any thing else that needs oil to power it up. Lastly there our a little more then seven billion people on this world and I thinking that in two to five or six years we will have eight billion people and the largest country that has the most people is China and India and then the United States but I also think that the United States will have more people then anyone else because most people wish that they live in the United States because you are free for religion and opinion etc.

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