Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Nike Talk Part 2

Today in class we talked about how Nike is treating there facility members really badly and so they did improve there daily pay from $1.25 to $4.00 so I guess that's a start but that's still really bad that's not even minimum wage in the United States. So if they would protest against the job the military will turn on them and force them back into there jobs. The people want to work there and they really enjoy it all there asking for is a better daily money upgrade and its not fare because they are dying or getting really sick threw it. What's really upsetting is that Tiger is getting paid more then the factory people make in a hole year just so Tiger Woods can where there product and show it off. Now what fare is that because Tiger Woods is making 1 million years and these people are barley making enough for a meal. That's not fare at all. So after that we talked about the Nike situation we went into our groups and we worked on our power points for our study guide for the test on Friday in Human Geo.

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