Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The 1st Test

Today in Human Geography class we took our first test and there was a little surprise why we were doing the test. The surprise was that the fire alarm bell went off. It was fire drill. So we walked out and we stood in line for about 5-10 minutes then we got back to the class room and we resumed the test. The test wasn't as bad as I thought it was it was kind of easy but also a little hard. I think I did really good on the multiple choice questions maybe missed 1 question at the most. But then I did the question on Socrates and his famous quote ''The unexamined life isn't worth living'' and so I started it. That got me really thinking that why should we be so caught up in all the good things like for example this computer or a cell phone and that we should be studying the world and make a name for our selves and think the way God does and learn the way to show love like God does instead of calling someone something stupid or treating the badly and stuff.

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