Monday, September 16, 2013

The Nike Talk

Today in class we talked about the Nike how Nike made there products and there horrible working conditions in there factories in Indonesia. They had a lot of people living in 8 by 8 cages and they only got paid a 1.25 a day for 10 hours. The man went there for a month and he was a professional soccer player and he lost 25lbs because of the bad paying conditions imagine the people that have been doing that for a good while. They really didn't even have enough for a decent meal. Now if those workers had kids then they couldn't be able to have school because they are locked in the cells till there parents come back and then they have some freedom but its horrible. And the workers went on protest and they said they love working with Nike and making shoes and stuff but all they ask for is 1 better working conditions and 2 they get paid more because they don't have enough money to survive because they are really skinny and week and they could die on what there working on. They also want to leave there jobs but they cant because if they do they probably wont find another job and they will die because they don't have a job.

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