Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The big review for class

Today in class everyone in class had to present there power points on Globalization. I did learn a few new things for example I learned that trading foreign goods with other countries is a very good thing because they want our products that we want and they want what we make. And also we have some factories in other countries due to their products that they have for example there is a Nike factory in Indonesia and they ship goods to us. And by us being interactive with other countries the other countries are looking up to us a leader. And sometimes so people don't like us like Bin Laden and when he send to planes into the twin towers and everywhere us. He did us because he does not like the way the United States works and they don't like how women can be in the military and can vote and where there from that doesn't happen and think were crazy even though we are a fully developed countries and they are a developing country. And so after we went over the power points we reviewed what will be on the test this Friday and what we need to study to be successful on the test.   

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