Friday, August 30, 2013

Human Geo HW 8/30/13

The top 5 ways for me to become a successful student at John Carroll. The first reason is to study harder by taking good notes or flash cards and reviewing them before a big test or a quiz. The second reason is to not get lazy on yourself and do all your blogs and reflections in all of your classes. The third reason is if you are absent then make sure you get all of your make-up work because if you don't then you'll probably get a ''0''. The fourth reason is too try not get behind on your homework because it will impact your grade really quickly and that can be the difference between passing or failing the class. The last reason is when your taking notes is that you need to take really good notes and make sense to that day because when you review them you wont understand them if they make no sense.

The Greek Words and Phases.

Agora - A gathering place where you talk or a assembly

Arete - Very excellent or excellence or virtue

Polis - A major city

The year 508 BC - The city of Athens was established in 508 BC

Socrates - A Greek Athenian philosopher. One of the founders of the Western Philosophy. He even created his own method '' The Socratic Method''.

The Death of Socrates - He died because he was criticizing critias. The Tyrant of Athens was really pissed off and told him that he can either drink a cup of poison or he can be faced exile.

The Socratic Method - Its a method were you will ask yourself a question and you will answer so that way it can create a stimulate critical thinking. 

  What the Ancient Greeks meant when they will call you an idiot - They called you that because you were a private person most of the time and that's what idiot meant in Ancient times.

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