Monday, September 23, 2013

Test Taking day 2 plus normal class

Today in class we finished the test, and I only had the last two short essays to do they were kind of hard to be honest but I did answer them correctly in my opinion. After the 20 minutes we got to do with our test then we started the unit or new lesson. The new lesson is about Population and Migration. The populations grows 1 billion people every 13 - 14 years.  People have been having babies at a very high rate, they have had 1 million more people in 2011 so now we went from 6 million people to 7 million people and with in the next couple of years there will be 8 million and then 9 million and so on. And so with out a death rate even though that is horrible we still have to del with it and that's why there is a long difference between the years of population. We also learned that women tend to live longer because they take care of there selves a lot better then because for example if they have a cut they will do whatever they got to do to take care of them selves but the guys so oh well its a little cut that doesn't have to do with nothing and they really don't care and that's why they tend to live longer then most men.

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