Saturday, September 7, 2013

Just a Fun Class in Human Geo.

Today in class we were discussing that in the country India that 1/4 of there honors students equals all of the USA students. Once I had there that my reaction was " What, They have a lot of people in there country and there producing babies a lot faster then China.'' Even though China has more people then India there is no doubt that India will have more people, but because there eventually going to have more people they where is all those people going to live. The United States because we have job opening more then India does and because USA citizens have to go to the college and then dental care for another 4 years for example the people in India don't have to go to college they go straight into dental school so that means if they come to the United States then they will get a head start of other USA citizens. And don't get me wrong I'm not trying that there not smart because they are but it still isn't fare that were letting people in the country that are taking jobs of United States citizens that been working for awhile to get that job and cant now because someone in India took it. And that's why people everyday are losing there jobs.  

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