Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Class of Today

Today in Human Geography we still talked about the Immigration and Population and I've learned a few new things about it. I've learned that we cant say that Immigrants from other countries are stealing our jobs even though we think that, but its not true because they are legal people in The United States and because some of us Americans are so lazy they get the jobs because they will do anything to get the money. And by lazy I mean college students who are looking for jobs and don't always come to work and think that there in college and they just want some pocket money but the people that are immigrants and that are looking for jobs really care about there jobs because if they don't then they will loose money and they wont have that kind of money to help there family live under there house and provide them with food and clothes. In conclusion that is why people come to America because there is more job openings and they have better opportunities of living a better life.

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