Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Regular Day of Human Geo

Today in class we go into a deep conversation about Socrates and Ancient Greeks. We realized that when you talk bad stuff about Greeks and the way they our. They will make you drink a cup of helium or you will kicked out of Athens. That's how Socrates died by drinking poison but he had many ways to escape but he didn't because Athens was his home and he will follow the rules and died by the power of the jury. The guards even let him go but he refused to escape and die because he broke the laws and die. Socrates has many followers for example Aristotle. He was part of the Western Philosophy and one of the establishers. Lastly, his death was a horrible thing for everyone because he seemed happy about dying because he lived up to his word. But for all his followers was a tragic thing for everyone. They were all saying why you have to do this and he was following his word. The guards didn't even force it into his mouth like they do with everyone he just grabbed and dranked it and then died.

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