Monday, September 30, 2013

The review from Wednesday

Today in class we went over the questions that we did on Wednesday. The United States is based off a democracy because we do vote on the very larger elections like Presidents and Congress etc. But the United States is also a republican because we let the congress vote for us like if a president should be removed from ballet or his job because the congress does not agree with the president and that happens to a specific point. Also the United States brings in a lot of oil from like Canada and other countries that give s oil but we also make our own oil but we use a lot of oil every day because we need it for machines and cars and air planes and trains and any thing else that needs oil to power it up. Lastly there our a little more then seven billion people on this world and I thinking that in two to five or six years we will have eight billion people and the largest country that has the most people is China and India and then the United States but I also think that the United States will have more people then anyone else because most people wish that they live in the United States because you are free for religion and opinion etc.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


  1. What is the population of the United States?- The population of the United states is 316,668,567 people. (so about 300 million)

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?- The five largest countries in the worlds are China India United States Indonesia Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?-  The population of Pakistan is 193,238,868

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? - The United States has a democracy as there government or a Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic traditions

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?- The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%.

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?-  The largest country is Russia.

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?- The country Mexico has the third greatest number of airports in the world.

  1. What country has the greatest number of export? - China has the greatest number of exports.

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?- Saudia Araubi
  1. What country imports more oil than any other? - United States

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world? - Venezuela

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? - Yes they can serve in the combat role in China.

  1. What is GDP? - Gross Domestic Product

   14. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? - Qatar $103,900

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? - No

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? - Africa

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? - Africa

  1. What other country is in the top ten? - India

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? - #18

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? - No, China

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? - 23.9%

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? - 82.7%

  1. What is Net Migration Rate? - The Net Migration Rate is the difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country per 1,000 people.

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? - There are approximately hbbbbbbb7 billion people on the entire world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The 1st Test

Today in Human Geography class we took our first test and there was a little surprise why we were doing the test. The surprise was that the fire alarm bell went off. It was fire drill. So we walked out and we stood in line for about 5-10 minutes then we got back to the class room and we resumed the test. The test wasn't as bad as I thought it was it was kind of easy but also a little hard. I think I did really good on the multiple choice questions maybe missed 1 question at the most. But then I did the question on Socrates and his famous quote ''The unexamined life isn't worth living'' and so I started it. That got me really thinking that why should we be so caught up in all the good things like for example this computer or a cell phone and that we should be studying the world and make a name for our selves and think the way God does and learn the way to show love like God does instead of calling someone something stupid or treating the badly and stuff.

Class of Today

Today in Human Geography we still talked about the Immigration and Population and I've learned a few new things about it. I've learned that we cant say that Immigrants from other countries are stealing our jobs even though we think that, but its not true because they are legal people in The United States and because some of us Americans are so lazy they get the jobs because they will do anything to get the money. And by lazy I mean college students who are looking for jobs and don't always come to work and think that there in college and they just want some pocket money but the people that are immigrants and that are looking for jobs really care about there jobs because if they don't then they will loose money and they wont have that kind of money to help there family live under there house and provide them with food and clothes. In conclusion that is why people come to America because there is more job openings and they have better opportunities of living a better life.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Test Taking day 2 plus normal class

Today in class we finished the test, and I only had the last two short essays to do they were kind of hard to be honest but I did answer them correctly in my opinion. After the 20 minutes we got to do with our test then we started the unit or new lesson. The new lesson is about Population and Migration. The populations grows 1 billion people every 13 - 14 years.  People have been having babies at a very high rate, they have had 1 million more people in 2011 so now we went from 6 million people to 7 million people and with in the next couple of years there will be 8 million and then 9 million and so on. And so with out a death rate even though that is horrible we still have to del with it and that's why there is a long difference between the years of population. We also learned that women tend to live longer because they take care of there selves a lot better then because for example if they have a cut they will do whatever they got to do to take care of them selves but the guys so oh well its a little cut that doesn't have to do with nothing and they really don't care and that's why they tend to live longer then most men.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The big review for class

Today in class everyone in class had to present there power points on Globalization. I did learn a few new things for example I learned that trading foreign goods with other countries is a very good thing because they want our products that we want and they want what we make. And also we have some factories in other countries due to their products that they have for example there is a Nike factory in Indonesia and they ship goods to us. And by us being interactive with other countries the other countries are looking up to us a leader. And sometimes so people don't like us like Bin Laden and when he send to planes into the twin towers and everywhere us. He did us because he does not like the way the United States works and they don't like how women can be in the military and can vote and where there from that doesn't happen and think were crazy even though we are a fully developed countries and they are a developing country. And so after we went over the power points we reviewed what will be on the test this Friday and what we need to study to be successful on the test.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Nike Talk Part 2

Today in class we talked about how Nike is treating there facility members really badly and so they did improve there daily pay from $1.25 to $4.00 so I guess that's a start but that's still really bad that's not even minimum wage in the United States. So if they would protest against the job the military will turn on them and force them back into there jobs. The people want to work there and they really enjoy it all there asking for is a better daily money upgrade and its not fare because they are dying or getting really sick threw it. What's really upsetting is that Tiger is getting paid more then the factory people make in a hole year just so Tiger Woods can where there product and show it off. Now what fare is that because Tiger Woods is making 1 million years and these people are barley making enough for a meal. That's not fare at all. So after that we talked about the Nike situation we went into our groups and we worked on our power points for our study guide for the test on Friday in Human Geo.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Nike Talk

Today in class we talked about the Nike how Nike made there products and there horrible working conditions in there factories in Indonesia. They had a lot of people living in 8 by 8 cages and they only got paid a 1.25 a day for 10 hours. The man went there for a month and he was a professional soccer player and he lost 25lbs because of the bad paying conditions imagine the people that have been doing that for a good while. They really didn't even have enough for a decent meal. Now if those workers had kids then they couldn't be able to have school because they are locked in the cells till there parents come back and then they have some freedom but its horrible. And the workers went on protest and they said they love working with Nike and making shoes and stuff but all they ask for is 1 better working conditions and 2 they get paid more because they don't have enough money to survive because they are really skinny and week and they could die on what there working on. They also want to leave there jobs but they cant because if they do they probably wont find another job and they will die because they don't have a job.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Human Geo

Today we got in our groups and started a power point on Globalization mainly the Pros and Cons about it. The pros our that you can ship goods from other countries so basically a world trade for example we trade bananas with Colombia and we will give them a back some flowers or something that's how it works, and the Cons are if you trade something with another country and there is a problem like with the same example if the bananas were expired or raw then we would get really upset and what we already gave them they wont return then. Then there a problem because they tricked us with raw food when we gave them legit stuff. Those are the Pros and Cons for Globalization. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just the usall Human Geo class

Today in class we had a fun beginning part of it while I was waking in the room because I'm on crouches till Sunday. When I walked in I almost feel on my head, that wouldn't have been a pretty sight to see but oh well just glad it didn't happen. So you know after the usual prayer and the conversation that ha soothing o do with class but still pretty cool, the business started to happened in the class. We talked about the United Nations and how if the countries don't rely on each other then there will be more struggles in the world then there already is. Like for example we get our bananas from a different countries because ewe cant grow them our selves because we don't that type of climate sin the Unites States. So therefore if we don't rely on each other then there will Wars all over the world like the next World War. So after World War 2 that's how the United Nations were made because everyone went into to panic and scared so they all got into this group and there wasn't really any problems ever since.

Monday, September 9, 2013

You learn a new thing everyday

Today in the fun and usual awesome class of Human Geography we learned how to use this thing where all of us can communicate with each other and how in the you know old days where you would have to go over someone's house or meet up at the  library to look up stuff but now we got this device that we can look up anything in the whole entire world its really awesome. Lastly when we had mass today I thought it was really cool because I'm Greek Orthodox and so its a little bit different and I really enjoyed it even though I didn't take communion or sing. It was a really cool and awesome experience for me and for everyone around me. There was a real comparison to Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox they each take communion and the priest each read from the Bible and reads the Holy Gospels. We all believe in Jesus Christ and all the Saints and Angels.    

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Just a Fun Class in Human Geo.

Today in class we were discussing that in the country India that 1/4 of there honors students equals all of the USA students. Once I had there that my reaction was " What, They have a lot of people in there country and there producing babies a lot faster then China.'' Even though China has more people then India there is no doubt that India will have more people, but because there eventually going to have more people they where is all those people going to live. The United States because we have job opening more then India does and because USA citizens have to go to the college and then dental care for another 4 years for example the people in India don't have to go to college they go straight into dental school so that means if they come to the United States then they will get a head start of other USA citizens. And don't get me wrong I'm not trying that there not smart because they are but it still isn't fare that were letting people in the country that are taking jobs of United States citizens that been working for awhile to get that job and cant now because someone in India took it. And that's why people everyday are losing there jobs.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Regular Day of Human Geo

Today in class we go into a deep conversation about Socrates and Ancient Greeks. We realized that when you talk bad stuff about Greeks and the way they our. They will make you drink a cup of helium or you will kicked out of Athens. That's how Socrates died by drinking poison but he had many ways to escape but he didn't because Athens was his home and he will follow the rules and died by the power of the jury. The guards even let him go but he refused to escape and die because he broke the laws and die. Socrates has many followers for example Aristotle. He was part of the Western Philosophy and one of the establishers. Lastly, his death was a horrible thing for everyone because he seemed happy about dying because he lived up to his word. But for all his followers was a tragic thing for everyone. They were all saying why you have to do this and he was following his word. The guards didn't even force it into his mouth like they do with everyone he just grabbed and dranked it and then died.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Reviewing Notes

Today in Human Geography class we reviewed our notes and are homework. I've learned some new things about the Ancient Greeks about how they were all separated and they really wanted nothing to do with each other for example like Sparta and Athens they were completely different the only they shared was the language. I've also realized that Socrates was a better man then I thought, yes he said some stuff that wasn't needed but he makes me want to meet him and talk to him. And all the other Greek words or phrases I've already new because I go to Greek school every Tuesday at 8 after school. Lastly, after Mr. Schick talked about failing or passing the school year I've realized what I wrote down on my previous blog. I have to take that for granite. After human geography class my day was really simple I had Enhance and then a bunch of free mods and then soccer practice.