Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

My name is Arri Stakias. My first day of school is going really well. I know that I’m going to like Intro to Bible because I love learning new things about my culture and religion and that is also why I’m going to like human geography as well. I’m really liking how we get free mods and if we got two in one day it builds up responsibility by managing your time to do homework and or eat food. I haven’t had math yet so I can’t say anything about it, but I did meet my math teacher Ms. Kraft and she is one of the nicest ladies I’ve ever met. I’m really liking English and Spanish. Spanish is going to be hard but I’m always up for a good challenge. Then there is Enhance with Ms. Drummey. That’s a good class because she always helps us with a problem or school stuff. Next, there’s physical education which is really fun because we play a bunch of games and I always love running around and having fun at the same time. Lastly, to end the day, I have soccer practice. I’m the goalie on the JV team. Everyone kicks soccer balls at me and I make incredible saves but I also let balls in. That’s how my first day of school was and I know it’s going to be great school year.

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