Monday, October 7, 2013

The 4th part of the movie

Today in class we watched the ending parts of the moving I really enjoyed it a lot, I missed the 3rd part of the movie but I will get caught up. While watching the movie I realized that John is really caring and that he really wants to help everyone, he arranged a gathering of the lost boys to reunite in Michigan for a few days, and then he had lived in the United States for a few years now and he was working three different jobs so he can give money to him family back home in Sudan. After he gave money and a few other things he arranged to see his mother and one of his sisters at the airport and they did. His mother burst into tears and he was so happy, both his mom and his sister were crying and they were singing songs because they haven't seen his son and brother in over seventeen years. That movie was very inspiring to me because it made me realize that I should be greet full for what I have and that I don't have to deal with what John and his family went through.

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