Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Christianity- They are about 50% Catholic, 36% Protestant, 11% Orthodox, 1% Other.
They believe in Jesus as the Son of God, and that he came down from heaven and became man and he died on the cross to realize all sin. One third of the total population is Christianity.

Buddhism- They worship a man named Buda or also know as Siddhartha, Gautama. They are a small religion and they have no problem you going to worth ship another God and then come to pray with them. Only 6% of the worlds population is Buddhism.

Today in Human Geography class with went over these two religions on the power points and they both really interesting because I'm a Christian Orthodox for one and I've learn a lot more things also. I cant wait till tomorrow when we learn about the rest of these religions.   

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Human Geography

Today in the fun class of human geography we reviewed the quiz that I didn't take and then we only go to look at one power point and that was mine. Our religion was Hinduism and it is really pretty cool because they all believe they are decedents of Abraham. Hinduism is founded in India and it is the third largest religion in the world, they are many gods in there religion and they believe that they are all sprits in the world and that they are every where and also no where at the same time. There 3 main gods our the ones who created the world and who runs the world and runs the after life. Then theres karma, its when you do some thing good in the universe then the universe will repay you with either good health or some thing good that happens. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

First day back

I'm finally back to school I'm so excited I've been waiting forever. Any who, now that I'm back to school its business time, today in class we got into class and broke into small groups and started working on our religion project. My group is me, Grace, Devin and Matt. And our religion is Hinduism, its a very interesting religion because its the oldest organized religion. The religion is very old and has a lot of history behind it. Hinduism is not based on one god it is made of three, there isn't a holy man like in our case ours is Jesus, and each of the three gods has its own part, the one god is in charge or the creator of the earth, the second god is in charge of the universe right now and the other god is in charge of the after death. I really hope I get to learn more about that religion and other religions.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The 4th part of the movie

Today in class we watched the ending parts of the moving I really enjoyed it a lot, I missed the 3rd part of the movie but I will get caught up. While watching the movie I realized that John is really caring and that he really wants to help everyone, he arranged a gathering of the lost boys to reunite in Michigan for a few days, and then he had lived in the United States for a few years now and he was working three different jobs so he can give money to him family back home in Sudan. After he gave money and a few other things he arranged to see his mother and one of his sisters at the airport and they did. His mother burst into tears and he was so happy, both his mom and his sister were crying and they were singing songs because they haven't seen his son and brother in over seventeen years. That movie was very inspiring to me because it made me realize that I should be greet full for what I have and that I don't have to deal with what John and his family went through.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Movie part 2

Today in Human Geography class we watch the movie again, ‘’ God Grew Tired of Us’’ It was much better then yesterday because it was so awesome watching how when they got to Pittsburgh, PA and how intersected in learning new things and how electricity works and how some objects that they don’t have that we do work also. They were telling us that they will never stop loving Sudan and they still practice their culture and still sing the same songs because they do want to become American and learn the ways but they still want to do the Sudan ways also because they love their homes and there culture. Lastly, when they were on the planes they were so confused because they didn’t know what food was and what not food was. So they were eating everything for example they ate jelly out of the jar and eating soap and they were saying how this isn’t good at all and that’s because they didn’t know better.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God Grew Tired Of Us

In 1983, in Sudan there was a civil starting that was a very horrible war. It was between the north and the south. They were fighting over land and religion. the north were Muslims who had all the guns and equipment and a little wealthy and then you have the south who were Christians and found Gods presence in animals and were very religious. The Muslims were pushing the south out of there country and the south were very poor and didn't believe in fighting. So the south left but to late for them to. The north were killing men, sticking needles in little boys parts and kid napping women and raping them and stuff. All the women were taken away and lots of men like 86,000 ran away and with there parents but lost them and never got to see them anymore. The men went to Kayuma, Kenya and the other men went to Ethiopia. Before the men got there they were walking tons of miles like at least 1,000 to get there and there was 27,000 and by time they got there, their was only 12,000 left. They were called "The lost boys of Sudan" and finally once they got there they hardly had any water and didn't have any food, so the men were drinking there urine to survive. In 1991, Kenya got a new leader and kicked these men out of there country and so they went back to Ethiopia. And lastly the United States offer some of them some living space in New York and Philadelphia and so they went to the United States.