Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We got back our test

I GOT A 100% ON MY TEST!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I don't know how I did so well on my test because it was really hard in my opinion and the questions were hard so I guess it was just some good luck or something like that. Anyway on Friday when I was the last test to be announced, Mr Schick looks at me with this evil look, and im like oh gosh I failed. But all I heard was DING DING. And I was so happy I got the best score that you could get, im flliped out of my chair with excitement. Alright now read this, I did better the Grace Mottley that's like impossible but it happened.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Microfinance -  which is a company that helps you with insurance by covering some of the money, fund transfers, loans, and also saving accounts in the bank. The role of a small loan is it can be used for housing education and ways to improve their lives. They also support you and they will be really compromising. You need to find a good job that pays a good lot, and helps you with loans and stuff like that. And pays you over breaks and off days. The key is you get a high paying job regarding on what it is, then you will be fine with depts. and stuff like that. You need to start saving money now because start saving when your really young and keep adding money to it every week and the bank adds a little bit for joining there bank so yeah youll have extra money for back up.

Microloan -  people that loan people money to help them get a kick start in a small businesses that they think will be beneficial to their own village or town for example like Kiva.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Test Questions

1.       What is Microfinance?  A general term to describe financial services to law income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services. Microloan, loan people money to help them get a kick start in a small businesses that they think will be beneficial to their own village or town. 
2.       What kind of people do Microfinance help? Poor or people that are looking for business.
3.       In most developing countries most of the people are what? Poor.
4.       What causes Malaria? Malaria is caused by a parasite that is carried by mosquitoes and transmitted through the mosquitoes bite.
5.       The majority of most developing countries population are what?
A.      Rich     B.  Middle Class     C. Poor       D. Poorest of the poor                       C and D
6.       What are Peace Corps volunteers? Peace Corp volunteers are people working on business issues and are forced on increasing family income, and improving the environment for business, educating young people, and helping businesses find markets for traditional products.
7.        What is Microloan? Microloan, loan people money to help them get a kick start in a small businesses that they think will be beneficial to their own village or town. 
8.       What is Malaria? A disease from mosquitoes that comes from there bite.
9.       What’s a website that helps with Microloans? SBA Microloan Program
10.    What is Quia? People that lend money to other people through the internet.

Monday, December 2, 2013




Microfinance is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services
Microloans loans people money to help them them get a kickstart in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town
A microlender is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. Microlenders typically charge higher-than-average interest rates; their maximum loan is usually $25,000 or less. Recipients of micro-loans are typically individuals in poverty or in development zones in the U.S., or who live in developing nations.
And so that is what Microfinance, Microloans and Microlenders are, very important for those that are looking for money to start a business.