Wednesday, January 15, 2014

human geo

Domesticated Animals







Bactrian Camels

Arabian Camels

Water Buffalos





Bali Cattle    

Not native to Australia

The animals that’s native to South America is Llama

The other animals come from Europe or Asia and North Africa

The best four animals our Cows, Sheep, Goats, and Pigs.

Jared Diamond was a bird watcher, culture anthropologists, biologist, and professor at ULA, bestselling author, he wrote two books.

Cargo – Goods and Professions

Bananas our low on protein and they preserve them.

The three things that all civilization have in common our advanced technology, larger population, specialized workers and you need a lot of food because you need all your people. You need all these things to progress in your life. Thirteen thousand years ago people were hunters and gathers and had no technology.

Where’s the last country that people live likes it’s the Stone Age? Papua New Guinea.  


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Human GEo

We reviewed all this material again

Jared Diamond - Scientist
He went to a Rainforest on a island, he was watching birds and learning the ways of how that people
lived there daily lives

 1300 years ago the Ice Age was finally over and the people were living in the Middle East, they were living off of Barley, Wheat. Two simple cereal grass

Dr. Ian K. - Archeologist
Jordan Valley
Stone ridge people in the Middle East were becoming farmers. Then the world started farming rice, corn, squash, beans etc.

Goats and Sheep were the first animals to be domesticated
Horse and Ox was a really good way for transportation purposes

Two million know species of animals

Wants you know how to make fire, then you can make steel goods.

Any groups of people that share the same Latitude, then there days our probably the same if not close to the same.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs and Steel

Jared Diamond - Scientist
He went to a Rainforest on a island, he was watching birds and learning the ways of how that people
lived there daily lives

 1300 years ago the Ice Age was finally over and the people were living in the Middle East, they were living off of Barley, Wheat. Two simple cereal grass

Dr. Ian K. - Archeologist
Jordan Valley
Stone ridge people in the Middle East were becoming farmers. Then the world started farming rice, corn, squash, beans etc.

Goats and Sheep were the first animals to be domesticated
Horse and Ox was a really good way for transportation purposes

Two million know species of animals

Wants you know how to make fire, then you can make steel goods.

Any groups of people that share the same Latitude, then there days our probably the same if not close to the same.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Second Urban Revolution

The Second Urban Revolution
 A larger scale movement of people to cities to work in manufacturing made possibly by:
1. Second agriculture revolution that improved food production and created a larger plus
2. Industrialization, which encouraged growth of cities near industrial resources

Nature of manufacturing changed and locations changed too. Many factories have been a banded, creating '' Rust-Belts'' out of once thriving industrial districts.

That's all I have for today because I came in really late because I found out that I can walk again. :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Human Geo

Today we learned about Mesoamerica, they were people on the United States before Colombus discovered it, they are called Indians and they weren't has advanced as the Europeans were. When Colombus came he realized this is a good place, but he thought he was in India not the USA. So he went back to Euro and everyone got the word that he was there and so he and a bunch of other countries went there because the land was fresh and hasn't been used before. So therefore the USA is based off a European Country unless your family was a Indian.

Monday, January 6, 2014

When and Why do people live in cities?

City - a conglomeration of people and buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics

Urban - the build up of the central city and the suburban

Realm - the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city

For the first time in human history, there our more people living in the cities then country

First Urban Revolution

Agriculture Villages, before urbanization, people often clustered in agriculture villages, a relatively small, equalitarian village, where most of the population was involved in agriculture.

About 10,000 years ago, people started living in agriculture villages.

1. Agriculture surplus

2. Social Stratification

Five Hearths of Urbanization

1. Mesopotamia, 3,500 BC

2. Nile River Valley, 3,200 BC

3.  Indus River Valley, 2,200 BC

4. Huang He, Wei River Valley, 1,500 BC

5. Mesoamerica, 200 BC

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We got back our test

I GOT A 100% ON MY TEST!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I don't know how I did so well on my test because it was really hard in my opinion and the questions were hard so I guess it was just some good luck or something like that. Anyway on Friday when I was the last test to be announced, Mr Schick looks at me with this evil look, and im like oh gosh I failed. But all I heard was DING DING. And I was so happy I got the best score that you could get, im flliped out of my chair with excitement. Alright now read this, I did better the Grace Mottley that's like impossible but it happened.